Friday, December 16, 2016

Practical DUI Recommendations That May Save You from Jail Time

If you do not want to get prosecuted for DUI, the very best thing that you could do would be not drinking any alcohol before getting behind the wheel in the first place. Unfortunately, seeing how many DUI accidents occur on the roads and highways all over the nation, it is only obvious that too many people disregard their safety as well as the safety of other individuals around them. Some people do not even know how serious the DUI charges can really be. This is exactly why the law enforcement authorities are not very forgiving when it comes to a drunk driving. If you are caught and charged with DUI, you risk losing your driving privileges, having to pay expensive fines, being required to attend DUI awareness classes, having to install ignition interlock device in your vehicle, getting a new type of insurance and even spending some time in county jail.

With that said, you will be interested in avoiding these severe legal penalties and for good reasons. Well, if you cannot stop yourself from drinking before driving altogether, at least make sure that you are eating well and drinking plenty of water. If you are going to be consuming alcohol without eating anything and without drinking any water at all, you will end up wasted and this will be absolutely detrimental for your driving. That way you will definitely end up in some sort of trouble and will probably be arrested by the police.

Furthermore, in case that you are planning on hanging out with your friends or your loved ones in a bar during a weekend evening, make sure to plan your exit strategy properly before you drink anything at all. It is only natural that the law enforcement authorities will be on high alert during this time. Weekends and holidays are perfect for people, who enjoy drinking with their bodies and the police know it. They practically relocate their precincts to those bars and are waiting for people to get out of those establishments drunk. This is where they catch most of the potential DUI criminals, who intend to operate their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol. Hence, it is very important, crucial even, to park your car somewhere as far from the bar as possible and to get to it on foot. That way you will minimize the risks of being caught sitting in the vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

Finally, do not forget about all the basic things. Even if you are driving under a small influence of alcohol, always remember not to be speeding. Speeding is one of the most common reasons why people are being pulled over by the police. In addition, do not forget to check your tail lights, make sure that they are functioning properly and do not change lanes frantically. These basic rules will help you avoid the most challenging issues indeed.

However, if you were caught by the police and were arrested for drunk driving, the very first thing that you will need to consider would be hiring a qualified as well as genuinely experienced criminal defense lawyer, such as Eisner Gorin LLP, as soon as it is possible. That way, you will be able to make sure you are getting the defense you need to avoid harsh penalties.

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